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Search allows to enter terms for searching into the search box and to search the records that contain the entered terms (in all the fields, titles, authors, keywords etc.).
What can you write into the term box?
- more words that will be in the index together regardless of the order technologies information
- more words and from which some of them can be found in the index technologies or information
- one word technologies
- a part of the word – you replace the truncation with an asterisk technolog*
- a phrase in quotation marks – a part of the text „class for the qualified “
- a term starts with a caret ^school – terms will be on the first position in the index
It is not necessary to make a difference between upper and lower case in the term entered because ASCII searching is used as default – it means searching regardless upper/lower case and diacritics.
Special (non-alphanumerical) characters are ignored in the search term.
If you use some special character in search term, it will be replaced
by space, because the terms are prepared in that way in the index.
Thus e.g. the document title 2 a 1/2 will be added to the index as 2 a 1 2.
If you use special characters in search term, the search could give an error in same case. We recommend to exclude these characters.
The list of special (non-alphanumerical) characters that are ignored in the search terms are as follows:
! @ # $ % ^ & * ( ) - + = [ ] { } \ , . / < > ? ; ' : " |
When and how to use search operators?
It is possible to add more search boxes and to combine queries with operators.
Search operators allow to specify the query.
JavaScript is required for search operators using.
Narrowing the search - operator: and
Can be used for searching records that contain both of the entered terms, A and B.
Widening the search - operator: or
Can be used for searching records that contain at least one of terms, A or B.
Term you want to exclude from the search - operator: not
Can be used for searching records that contain the term A, but don't contain the term B.
As you type into the search box “Suggest” it will guess what you are typing and offer suggestions in the real time. It will help you to search for longer words without typing them whole.
Advanced search
If you need to specify the query or sort the resutls, use our Advanced search.
Search results
The Search Results page will show found records matching your search criteria.
If more records are found, the records will be displayed on multiple pages with ten entries on each page. The number of records found is visible at the beginning of the page and the possibility of moving through the pages can be found at the beginning and the end of the page.
Records are displayed and sorted according to a predefined setting. This setting can be changed.
What can I do with the search results?
- Show detailed display format.
- View record details.
- Add to My Bookmarks.
- Click on hyperlinks.
Display formats
It is possible to display search results in several formats. Formats offer is determined by library.
A display format that contains maximum of information about the document (if you are searching the catalogue) or about the author, subject heading, corporation etc. (if you are searching in the authority file). A detailed display format can contain a link to the document fulltext or to photos connected to entry. It contains a list of available holdings that you can lend. A range of information available in the detailed display format is determined by library.
A short display format contains only concise information about a document or an author, subject heading etc. There is only basic information that can help us to evaluate if you have found what you have been searching for.
There might be available an ISBD display format for getting the information about a document (if you are searching the catalogue). It is a display format created by librarians for uniform display as much information about the document as possible in a compressed way. It is usually only one sentence, where you can find the document title, information about authors, a publisher, an edition, etc. If you learn more about the format and you know how to find information in it, it is useful for preparing lists of documents e.g. (bibliographies).
It is a specialized format that displays a record in an exchange format MARC - every line displays one MARC record field.
Other possible display formats can be chosen in Display formats on the left-hand menu of the page.
Record detail
The page displays information about the record that has been searched, in various formats with a possibility of other operations with the record.
The page with record details will be displayed after clicking on one record on a search results page. The number of records in search results and icons for listing records is in the first line of page. The listing is set on the possition of the displayed record in the searched set.
The record is displayed in a detailed display format with a preview of cover and other pictures, a content page scan or other digital objects (if they are available). For exemple: an icon of magnifying glass next to an author's name can be used for searching and displaying the record about this author. The link (underline text) in the author's name can be used for searching and displaying all records (documents) from this author.
Operations with a record
Following operations are available for every record:
- To the basket – this function put a record to the basket.
- Permanent link – link (URL adress) for displaying this record.
- Digitized document - a link to a digitized work, not available on the market, that can be viewed under a licensed license online or from the library environment.
Display formats
It is possible to display search results in several formats. Formats offer is determined by library.
A display format that contains maximum of information about the document (if you are searching the catalogue) or about the author, subject heading, corporation etc. (if you are searching in the authority file). A detailed display format can contain a link to the document fulltext or to photos connected to entry. It contains a list of available holdings that you can lend. A range of information available in the detailed display format is determined by library.
A short display format contains only concise information about a document or an author, subject heading etc. There is only basic information that can help us to evaluate if you have found what you have been searching for.
There might be available an ISBD display format for getting the information about a document (if you are searching the catalogue). It is a display format created by librarians for uniform display as much information about the document as possible in a compressed way. It is usually only one sentence, where you can find the document title, information about authors, a publisher, an edition, etc. If you learn more about the format and you know how to find information in it, it is useful for preparing lists of documents e.g. (bibliographies).
It is a specialized format that displays a record in an exchange format MARC - every line displays one MARC record field.
Other possible display formats can be chosen in Display formats on the left-hand menu of the page.
Subject search
Searching by subject categories (Subject search) allows to display records containing one category inmediatelly.
Categories are in two levels. Clik on the icon of maginfier
next to category title and search records from this category.
If you open the category by clicking on the icon „arrow“
you will also be able to check more sub-categories in other categories.
Click on the button Search and records search and display will start.
Subject categories are usually created by library as a universal list of subjects
that can be used in different libraries.
It can happend that you wil not find any records in your library
for the category you are interested in.
My Bookmarks
The My Bookmarks is where you can temporarily store the records.
Number of records in the basket is displayed underneath the login information. Currently, maximum amount of records in the basket is 500. This limit may be increased to 1500 after login.
In the basket, it is possible
- to save the basket - possibility to use more baskets
- to delete a record from the basket
- to send a list of records via e-mail
- to print a list of records
After log out, the content of the basket is deleted.
It is possible to save records among My documents permanently.
Operations with a record
Following operations are available for every record:
- To the basket – this function put a record to the basket.
- Permanent link – link (URL adress) for displaying this record.
- Digitized document - a link to a digitized work, not available on the market, that can be viewed under a licensed license online or from the library environment.
Display formats
It is possible to display search results in several formats. Formats offer is determined by library.
A display format that contains maximum of information about the document (if you are searching the catalogue) or about the author, subject heading, corporation etc. (if you are searching in the authority file). A detailed display format can contain a link to the document fulltext or to photos connected to entry. It contains a list of available holdings that you can lend. A range of information available in the detailed display format is determined by library.
A short display format contains only concise information about a document or an author, subject heading etc. There is only basic information that can help us to evaluate if you have found what you have been searching for.
There might be available an ISBD display format for getting the information about a document (if you are searching the catalogue). It is a display format created by librarians for uniform display as much information about the document as possible in a compressed way. It is usually only one sentence, where you can find the document title, information about authors, a publisher, an edition, etc. If you learn more about the format and you know how to find information in it, it is useful for preparing lists of documents e.g. (bibliographies).
It is a specialized format that displays a record in an exchange format MARC - every line displays one MARC record field.
Other possible display formats can be chosen in Display formats on the left-hand menu of the page.
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Recipient | Category | Description |
---|---|---| | Analytical cookies | Map view. Principles of personal data processing -, a.s |
Marketing cookies | Display the Share button. Cookies and other storage technologies, Meta Platforms Ireland Limited. |
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Send to email
You can send one record or all records from My Bookmarks, to an entered address or more addresses. Enter recipients' address in the box separated by a dasch. Entered addresses will be saved (if you are logged in) for the next using in box Add other contacts.
A subject of en e-mail is set but you can change it.
It is possible to choose sorting of records and a display format.
- Display a resource of every record
- In case that records are found in other resources, it is possible to display resources behind them.
- Number the records
- Display an order number of each record.
The list of records will be in the e-mail body (not as an attachment).
Feedback form
Page Feedback form allows to send an e-mail to the library address with your request, question etc. If you want to get an answer from the library, you have to fill in your e-mail address.